Core Values


Our core values represent the focus for our actions and are reflected in everything we do. We believe in:


  • Integrity – the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards.

The WAF holds itself to high ethical principles and standards.

  • Stewardship – the way in which someone organizes and takes care of something.

The WAF is ever mindful of the fiduciary responsibility rightly expected by its donors; as such, every effort is taken to ensure that contributions are prudently invested, managed, and administered to honor the donors’ intentions.

  • Transparency – the quality or state of being transparent.

The WAF strives for open communication and accountability in all aspects of its work.

  • Appreciation – a feeling or expression of gratitude; valuing something highly; recognition and liking of something's qualities. 

The WAF gratefully recognizes and acknowledges its valued supporters in various ways.

  • Collaboration – the act of working together with one or more people in order to achieve something. 

The WAF actively seeks and welcomes opportunities to partner on initiatives beneficial to Westlake Academy.

  • Respect – to feel or show admiration and deference toward somebody or something; the state of being admired deferentially; to show consideration or thoughtfulness in relation to somebody or something.

The WAF endeavors to be thoughtfully considered and highly regarded by the greater community.