Grant Making

A Banner image of students showing thanks for the various grant endowments the school has received from the foundation

Grantmaking at the Westlake Academy Foundation

In its commitment to providing “whatever students and teachers need,” the Westlake Academy Foundation (WAF) directs numerous grantmaking initiatives to enrich the educational experience at Westlake Academy. Our Gifts in Action program puts up to $100,000 in WA Gala proceeds “into action” annually. Teachers are invited to “dream big” and submit grant requests for innovative projects, trainings and resources to enhance the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. Our Gingy Quinn Endowment Fund also provides up to $10,000 annually for teacher grant requests. We manage numerous Designated/Restricted Funds, whereby donors specify departments or programs that they want to directly impact (e.g., theatre, athletics, literacy). Additionally, each year at the WA Gala, our Fund-an-Item initiative invites donors to contribute toward a specific project identified by Academy leadership as addressing immediate needs or opportunities. The Foundation also actively seeks external grants from private, corporate and community foundations in an effort to secure additional funding for various educational programs and initiatives. Through these diverse funding streams, WAF is committed to supporting teaching excellence and the holistic development of every WA student.

Impact through Grants

2024-2025 Grants
2023-2024 Grants