Dining Hall/Lunch Menus
Dining at Westlake Academy
Westlake Academy offers a healthy and delicious hot lunch program. Food is prepared on campus by our catering company, Viandas Foods. Lunches are served in the dining hall and Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) on grade level schedules. The lunch period is supervised by faculty and staff members.
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch is provided daily by our catering company, Viandas Foods. Current monthly menus are posted on their website. Lunches are purchased with cash or with a lunch account. Viandas Foods uses a dedicated system for your student's lunch accounts. For initial set-up, please email Walter@westlakecafe.com. Walter Bermudez, our Catering Manager, will contact you to set up a new account.
Once you have set up your accounts, it is easy to manage your student's accounts, add funds, and see how your lunch money is being spent all from one location. You can even transfer funds from one student to another within your family account. If you have any questions please email Walter Bermudez at Walter@westlakecafe.com
Homemade Lunch
As an alternative to our catered cafeteria, Westlake Academy students are allowed to bring lunch from home. We ask that you send your child with packages and containers they can open themselves. Microwaves are available for students if used to warm items, not cook a meal, which could delay other students in line.
Beverages and Snacks
Choice of beverages and snacks are available through the caterer for cash or lunch account deductions.