Course Selection Google Forms released on ManageBac Friday January 20th at 5PM. These are not due until 1/31, but courses are registered on a first come-first served basis.
4 Year Plan: This must be submitted on ManageBac by 1/31.
This document is on a student's iPads in the files app. The counselors worked with them in class on completing this document. Students downloaded this from a task on ManageBac in the Calendar on Jan 31st. Parents and students must sign this document. Students should submit this in the task on the calendar in ManageBac by 1/31 at 5PM.
The 4 year plan is not definite, but rather a student’s goals for high school. They will complete this each year, and it can change every year. Nothing on this document is written in stone, just a general outline of what they hope to accomplish in high school.